
Latest articles for eyecare professionnals

Gain business insights on subjects such as opening a practice, developing a partnership, planning the sale of an optometry practice and more.


Future Focus Ep. 6: Stress, Success, and Mental Health in Optometry

Independent practice comes with big decisions, but no one has to navigate them alone. Giving a voice to OSI Group Members, Future Focus helps coach the next generation.



Introducing Future Focus: The Podcast That Pulls Back the Curtain on the Optometry Industry

For young optometrists, the transition from student to practitioner comes with big decisions—from practice ownership to digital marketing to work-life balance, the right path isn’t always clear.



A Night to Reflect and Look Forward: The 2025 Frame Ceremony

On January 20th, OSI Group proudly hosted the 2025 Frame Ceremony at the School of Optometry & Vision Science, University of Waterloo.



Dr. Jerry Li's Journey of Adaptability and Achievement

In the corridors of the University of Waterloo's School of Optometry, Dr. Jerry Li's name echoes with admiration.



Celebrating Excellence: 2024 Frame Ceremony Highlights

The success of the 2024 Frame Ceremony is a testament to the involvement of third-year students from the University of Waterloo School of Optometry and Science and Bridge program international students.


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