Ready to start working on a new website for your clinic, but you are feeling overwhelmed?

February 20, 2023
The OSI Group will help you create the website that represents you as a clinic and is engaging for your patients.
So you’re ready to start working on a new website, but you are feeling a little overwhelmed. Where do you start? What is most important? Planning out a frequently used, productive website takes a strategy. Understand your audience, think about their needs when they visit your website.

About Us Page
This is the 2nd most frequented page of most optometry clinic websites. It should include photos and bios of your team, have your Mission Statement, your Values and your Vision listed. It is also suggested to have a paragraph about what makes your clinic different.

Your Content
Your content should sound like your team, and your team should sound like your website. Use the same words, make it feel approachable and knowledgeable, like the best team member should be.

Your Images
All images that include a person, should include a smile and fit your audience. For example, if most of your patients are families or seniors, your website should reflect that.

Good Information
Be a source of information for your patients. Not just about your services, but also about all things eye related. Give your patients a lot of reasons to go to your website. Make it a repository of info that you can direct your in office patients to go read from your website.

Link Other Websites
Link other websites like the Regulatory College, the Associations, the OSI Group and other sources of industry knowledge for your patients. This will also help with SEO.

Show Your Clinic
Have pictures on your website of the interior and exterior of your clinic. Potential patients want to be able to visually recognize your clinic when they are driving to it. They want to be able to see what the inside looks like. They especially want to see your equipment and current frames and lenses.

Online Booking
Online booking has become expected. Patients may leave your website never to book with you at all, if they have to call to book an appointment – remove the barrier for your potential patients, allow them to book directly.

Ordering Online
Convenience is king. Patients expect to be able to order everything online, we should be no different. Allow patients with a current contact lens rx to order them from your website. This will drive your patients to purchase with you instead of online retailers.
At OSI, we consider all of these factors for you. We know the current best practices in website design, and we will help you create the website that represents you as a clinic, your brand, and is engaging for your patients.
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