Did you know that your clinic’s website can have an expiration date?

February 1, 2023
Find out how to tell if your clinic’s website is cutting edge or outdated.
When was the last time you visited your clinic’s website? When was the last time you updated it?
Did you know that websites have an expiration date? The life of your website is only 2-3 years. Styles change and Google adapts their algorithm. Content needs to be kept up to date, with industry technology and style changes reflected.
Think of your website as an additional team member. It needs to be on brand, knowledgeable about your products and services, and be fashionable. It should be able to take appointments, order contact lenses, and talk about what makes your clinic special. Can your website do that? Patients can see it as a source of information on eye diseases, as well as what you offer them for product and services, who you are as a clinic, what your patient care philosophy is. Did you recently add a dry eye clinic? Are you now managing Myopia in a new way? Your website should reflect this. Otherwise your patients don’t know.
Ask yourself these questions:
~ My Perfect Website Checklist ~
☐ Can you find it easily with a Google Search?
☐ Does your site load quickly on mobile and on desktop?
☐ Is your phone number and email address clickable?
☐ Is your website secured by an SSL Certificate? (https)
☐ Does the site function without any visual elements being strange or off?
☐ Does the site function without any errors on the pages and on the forms? Click thru all links and pages
☐ Is the navigation simple and intuitive?
☐ Does the website have a ‘’Call to Action’’ Buttons? (Book an Appt, Order Contacts, Call, Email …)?
☐ Does the site have a sitemap? (www.sitename.com/sitemap.xml) Google use it to rank your website well.
☐ Does the site represent the services and products currently on offer? Can you add anything new?
☐ Is the website content up to date? Is there anything that is no longer true?
☐ Is your About Us page up to date, with pictures of the current team, and your mission statement?
☐ Is your font size large enough for everyone to read it comfortably?
☐ Do you have an article on your website advertising your current sale? Is it a pop-up when you first go on the website?
☐ Does your website have a low bounce rate? This measures the number of viewers that leave your website after viewing just one page. Your website’s goal is to have the lowest bounce rate possible.
☐ Is the website responsive and functional on mobile and on desktop? More people access your website thru a mobile device than thru a desktop?
If you checked ALL of the boxes, congratulations, your website is doing great! If you didn’t, it might be time to update it. At OSI, we offer website creation and hosting services. We can help you make the website an integral and productive team member. Reach out to your Regional Account Manager for a free personalized website assessment.
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